Schoolteacher Jane Anderson Lemoine has lots of back-to-school stories- kids falling asleep in class and drooling all over their desks, a boy accidentally going to two social studies classes per day for a whole week and not…
Hard to believe, Amy loves the Army. She's in boot camp, enjoying lots of exercise, full days, new jargon to learn, and she even likes the lectures on Army protocol. It's stressful to be sure; it's supposed to be tough. Some…
My father-in-law, Howard Fournet, grew up on a farm during the Great Depression. The farmhouse was on Johnston St. (a gravel road then) in Lafayette, where the Albertson's now stands. The University of Louisiana's athletic…
Today's guest columnist is Dr. Jesse Livingston, a family practice resident at the LSU-University Health Center here in Lafayette. Kids fall and hit their heads a lot. Though most children with head injuries are fine, some need…
My daughter is in London, England, taking a summer college course. She woke up last Sunday with "the whole left side" of her head hurting, particularly her ear. She took two ibuprofens and then she and a friend went out in the…
Today's guest columnist is Dr. Adam Giddings, a second-year resident in Family Practice at the LSU-University Health Center program here in Lafayette. Seeing your child with a nosebleed can be a very traumatic image. While it may…
My mom loved to tell this story about school kids on a field trip. She ran our church's tutoring program for inner-city kids, providing fun and enrichment where their schools could not. She once brought the crew to a planetarium…
When I was a kid, I remember my parents getting a call from my older brother Pat's teacher. He was falling asleep in class. Perhaps, the teacher suggested, he should get to bed sooner? You would think, both my parents being…